Exclusive Interview with the creator of FemScat

Exclusive Interview with CassieScat:

The creator behind the industry-leading FemScat website where toilet porn makers are free to sell scat fetish content without stigma or censorship!

Hi Cassie, thanks for agreeing to share a little bit of yourself and your journey with us. We can’t wait to get to know you and your journey in creating the leading extreme fetish site FemScat.com

So, I guess to start us off, can you tell us a little bit about you as a creator and an individual?

I like to consider myself a laid-back and approachable type of creator. The community, especially on Reddit, is what formed my journey as a scat porn creator and I owe the chill, supportive vibe of places like /r/Coprophiles and /r/RealScatGirls a lot when it comes to how I approach things. I know that since making vanilla porn became unbearably boring once I started scat, I personally like to take my exploration of the genre slow to make sure everything keeps my interest and is as intense as possible for me. I didn’t try things like anal or tasting my own poop until I’d been making videos for years to make sure I really enjoyed them when I did. This is as much self-exploration as it is putting on a show for others to enjoy it with me.

What was it that drew you to this porn industry?

I have a pretty big exhibitionism kink and a high sex drive. That in combination with a boring soul-sucking day job led me straight into the arms of Reddit’s ‘Gone Wild’ communities. Pretty quickly I was getting requests and loving the ‘weirder’ ones. I had no idea that women pooping on camera was a type of porn or that a scat fetish was a thing. Once I found it though, I quickly got really bored with anything else.

What was it that took you from being a content creator to running your own pornographic content platform for your fellow fetish creators to earn a living on?

One thing I have always known about myself is that making porn would become less fun for me once I started relying on the money or if it started to feel too much like a traditional ‘job’. I really never wanted to expand past just making my videos but the community became something very important to me. After learning about the theft, abuse and corruption happening on ScatShop, the leading site in the industry at the time, I spoke up. I was one of their top sellers and had always been paid on time and treated very kindly which served to further disgust me when I realized that girls who had less ability to protect themselves than I did were being verbally abused, humiliated and stolen from. I published a bunch of threads on Reddit (google Reddit Scatshop and they’ll pop up) and shut down my store with them, losing a big source of cash and exposure in the process and making some volatile enemies. For years girls would find my thread after being ripped off by scatshop and reach out asking for advice. It was difficult to not even be able to really offer them any better alternative to sell on, so eventually, I made one. My desire to keep this a fun hobby for myself was taken over by my anger towards people who purposefully steal from the vulnerable.

Having created a business that empowers fellow content creators to earn a living from the safety of their own homes, what are you most proud of regarding your work?

I’m most proud of my integrity. Running any type of small business requires putting a lot of yourself and your money on the line and that can lead to people doing things the wrong way and cutting corners to save cash or save face. I’m willing to completely fund FemScat for as long as it takes so that there is a safe place for creators in the scat niche to sell their porn.

What makes your site different from others like OnlyFans and iFans?

Most paid porn platforms place heavy restrictions on what can be posted – not out of moral or safety reasons but because of their bottom line. Scat porn is not allowed on these sites because of their payment processors not allowing it. PornHub, OnlyFans and other sites would be flush with toilet-fetish content if Visa and Mastercard allowed it, but the current reality is that they don’t. It costs a lot of money to be able to have credit card payments on a site selling videos of women using the toilet or smearing their bodies with shit so that keeps the mainstream sites away. Everything else that’s different aside, there will always exist a hard line given the Visa and Mastercard rule books.

What challenges do creators face on other platforms that your site solves?

If someone wants to sell scat porn they don’t really have a ton of options. Many go the fully indie route – meaning customers reach out to the model on social media and ask for a video and then pay by cash app, Venmo, PayPal or some other service and get their clip. This puts models at a ton of risk. These payment options don’t allow any selling of adult items or any sex work. Customers can send in one complaint and your account with all the money in it will be frozen. It’s a massive power imbalance, not to mention the constant conversational legwork. If you set up a clip store on Femscat.com, all your customer has to do is click a link and they can browse your videos and buy them easily, all above board and all without requiring models or shy customers to chat and figure out payment, link sharing and other boring stuff.

What are your thoughts on the way mainstream businesses stigmatize adult content creators in general and more specifically for fetish creators?

Stigma is only really a small part of the battle. The bureaucratic, legal and financial gate-keeping caused by the stigma is where the real meat of the problem lies. If people can’t sell porn because any legal way to do so is too expensive or otherwise not available to them, they have to work around the rules, like using Venmo to accept payments, or else they become vulnerable to people wanting to take advantage of them having no other choice, like what ScatShop has done for a long time. Someone thinking you are gross or a freak or “less than” is one thing – sticks and stones right? But when stigma crosses the line into marginalization with tangible negative consequences, we have to do something about it.

What kinds of challenges do scat fetish creators face that more mainstream adult content creators don’t have to deal with and how can these challenges be overcome?

Many resources out there for adult content creators simply don’t work for those working in the poop porn niche. Safe sex guides for scat are basically non-existent and those out there don’t cover all the bases given the breadth of the fetish. And even the most sex-positive, supportive porn platforms out there are forced to keep their mouths shut on scat or else face losing their payment processing. With no big organizations looking out for those with a scat fetish, both sex workers and those who keep it to the bedroom, we have had to build up our own community.

What have you found most challenging in establishing your platform?

The biggest challenge has been personal balance. There are plenty of girls wanting to sell and people wanting to buy s that part takes care of itself, but keeping everything running smoothly means a lot of my own
time and money.

What has surprised you the most while setting up and growing your website?

The growth has been really strong. Too strong at times! It’s been difficult to keep up, especially when I was the only moderator and only social media manager for the whole site for a lot of the first year. There are so many models now that I no longer recognize them by name or content when I see FemScat models online. It used to just be me and my friends but now it’s growing so fast. It’s great but intimidating!

What are your aims for the future of your business? What next for FemScat?

Right now I am looking for a backup payment processor. I know I talk a lot about payment processors but they really are the key to whether or not a scat fetish site can exist and make money. If the current processor were to go out of business or something else were to happen, we would be in a real situation. Having backups is important! If anyone knows scat-friendly payment processors, reach out to me or the FemScat team, I’m always open to making a deal.

For those just starting out in the adult industry, it can all seem very daunting. What do you think makes a good fetish creator?

Creativity and Consistency. Being creative will help you stand out and will keep you passionate. If you’re having fun, you won’t burn out! And that leads to consistency. If you are filming and posting and advertising and interacting with fans regularly, you will be able to build a fan base quickly that is loyal and supportive of your work.

How much can creators on your platform earn?

How much new creators can realistically expect to make is a number that is readily hidden by most platforms and I’ve always hated that. Every year FemScat will release a transparency report to help new creators and current ones understand the platform and the customers better. We’ve been online for just over 1 year and have released the full report. It includes real numbers from new models and top models. It also includes information on traffic to the site, how our cut from creator sales gets spent and how much the site is growing every month. This year’s report and future reports can be accessed HERE.

What do you think makes a creator successful?

Consistency is the most important thing by far. Releasing content and updating your sites and social media profiles regularly is the best way to gain a following. I recommend using services for social media that schedule your posts so if you take time off, you will still be active to your fans. FemScat allows models to queue their posts for any date and time they want, that way they can keep their videos in the ‘new uploads’ section as often as possible.

What tips would you give to someone just starting out in the industry?

TONS. I have so many tips I’d like to give. I had a resource document I made a few years ago that I’ve kept somewhat updated but have also posted new articles on my resource site. I update it all the time with general scat modelling advice as well as advice specific to FemScat models. KinkyScat.com is that website.

What advice do you have for people who are nervous about friends or family finding out they are doing this kind of work?

FemScat works hard to protect our models by keeping personal information completely private, by allowing models to post without showing their face and by scrubbing metadata from your uploads. If our models ever receive threats or doxing, we offer to take down their shop temporarily while they wait out the heat and they can have it put back up whenever they want without having to redo their hard work. We can even take legal action against anyone using content on our site to blackmail, threaten or otherwise harm our models as they have agreed to our terms by entering the site and that sort of behaviour is expressly forbidden.

In terms of creators who want to sell on your FemScat, what is involved in getting started from initially signing up to posting their first items of content and making their first sales?

All you need to sign up and activate your store is 5 clips, ID and proof of address for yourself, ID for every other model in the videos, and a payout method.

Can you give some recommendations on how porn sellers can come up with ideas for content?

Ask the people! There are lots of horny people online who are full of creative ideas. When I started out, I would post on Reddit asking for ideas and get tons. I tried things out and saw what I liked most and went from there. Today, nearly all of my ideas are from custom video commissions I get that interest me. Another great source of inspiration is looking through what other people are making and seeing what sparks a horny feeling in you. Making porn is a creative outlet.

How do you recommend creators promote themselves (other than for free on our website of course)?

Social media remains the best place to advertise porn. Twitter and Reddit are the most friendly traditional social media to the adult industry but speciality social media sites like eroprofile allow scat explicitly and that’s something to be grateful for. Making little previews of your content and spreading them far and wide is the best way to find interested fans.

What do you say to those who claim that sex work objectifies those who work in the industry?

All work is selling your body. Even the most respected vanilla office worker is selling their time in this life to sit in a chair and strain their eyes and mind and back all day. The issues surrounding the way sex workers are treated exist in all fields and are systemic rather than specific. Hot people with charismatic personalities do better in job interviews across all fields so objectification is more of a societal issue than an industry one in my opinion.

We understand that you work very hard to promote and empower parts of your community that may be underrepresented or who face oppression. Could you tell us more about that, please?

In the history of sex work where I’m from (USA and Canada) our rights have been hard-earned with trans women and black women at the forefront of that work. These groups are also the most likely to be harmed or taken advantage of and to be left unprotected by the legal system. FemScat gives a bonus of double payouts up to 200 USD for trans models in November and Black models in February with extra advertising for these groups during this time. I hope in the future I can even improve these bonuses and add new ones.

What other ways do you support and advocate for sex workers and the community?

I try my hardest to support independence for safety and community for support. You want to have total control over your own content and career and money wherever possible, but it’s also important to have friends you can talk to and come to for advice and support. FemScat is completely free to set up and use and has no exclusivity. It’s best for your career and safety to spread out your content and put your eggs in many baskets. Look what almost happened to everyone relying on OnlyFans as their sole platform! FemScat does not fear competition and encourages models to link other sites and social media on their shop pages so customers can find them everywhere. I am confident that my platform offers a lot that others don’t and is a great addition to anyone’s regular rotation for selling and advertising and that means giving trust and control to the models.

Join FemScat Today!

If you are a content creator wanting to find a safe, supportive and profitable way to sell toilet-related porn, then you can find no platform better than FemScat.com!

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