10 mistakes sellers make on OnlyFans

This list is actually about all sites where people can sell porn and adult material, not just OnlyFans. So if you’re selling on AdmireMe, SofiaGray, IsMyGirl, iFans or any other sites, you still want to make sure you avoid making these common mistakes to ensure you earn as much money as possible!


Here are the top 10 things to avoid with your OnlyFans account!



Don't forget to activate your account

Signing up for OnlyFans or any of the other great sites available is one thing, but if you don’t activate your account, it’s a bit of a waste of time!
With all adult sites like OnlyFans, you need to verify your age to show you are legally allowed to sell nude photos, pornographic videos and adult content. This is done by uploading images of your photo ID and possibly adding your bank account too depending on the platform you’re working with.
OnlyFans for example will let anyone set up an account, but to activate it so you can start selling content, you need to head to the Banking section and add a bank account you want to get paid into. During this process, you will be asked to verify your age/identity by uploading a photo of your ID and a photo of yourself holding your ID.
We ask for the same kind of verification when people apply to be promoted on our site because we can’t legally promote anyone who hasn’t shown they are over 18.



Don't wait to start posting content

This one baffles us, but people do it all the time. When they start a new OnlyFans account, they don’t post anything. Nothing. Not a pic, not a video, not even a few lines of text. We have asked lots of people why they haven’t posted anything yet and the answer we get is, “I don’t have any subscribers to post for”.
And with that approach, they never ever will. Why would anyone subscribe to an OnlyFans page that doesn’t have any content on it? In all honesty, why would they subscribe to a page that only has a small amount of content on it either?
Customers can see how many posts, how many photos and how many videos a page has available BEFORE they subscribe. If they see that there’s a big zero, they are not going to give you their cash. As soon as you have your account set up fully, you NEED to start posting content. Ideally a lot of it.
This will make it clear to your potential customers that when they sub to your page, they will get good value for money and they will stay subscribed for a long time, meaning month after month earnings.



Don't rely on a single site

The whole user-generated adult content industry was shaken when OnlyFans said they were going to ban explicit content recently. Despite backtracking and changing their mind a week later, who’s to say how long until they or another site decides to change the rules and leave you with no income after spending months or years building up your business?
Relying on a single site is a big risk! We work with and recommend several great sites where you can sell content, and even have a free survey tool you can use to find the best possible sites to sell on, based on your exact needs! Use it now to find other places to make money, and not only take the risk of selling on a single site away, but also earn more money by attracting new customers!



Set up a second OnlyFans page

When you set your OnlyFans page up, you can set the subscription price to free or a monthly charge. Most people opt for an amount between $10 and $20 a month, but some people go the free route and then put all their best content as pay per view. Both these options are great ways to make money, but what lots of sellers don’t realise is they don’t have to choose just one method.
You can have two different OnlyFans accounts as long as you use a separate email address for each. That way you can set one to free while the other has a monthly price, meaning you can make money from more people as some will want to pay each month for everything you post while others would rather just buy content here and there. If you already have an OnlyFans account, why not set up a second one now?



Don't neglect promoting yourself

It’s all well and good having an OnlyFans page, but if no one knows then how will you get any customers? There are lots of ways to promote yourself, in Reddit groups, Facebook pages, through (carefully limited) shoutouts, on your social media and of course, we offer free promotion on our top ranked website as well. Make sure you are letting as many potential customers know you have a fan page and tell them to subscribe for your amazing content!
Don’t neglect cross-promotion as well. If you have a Chaturbate account for example, where you live stream, you can include links to your OnlyFans, SofiaGray or other pages in your bio.



Don't become a shoutout account!

Shoutouts can be a great way of finding new subscribers, but we see people take this too far all the time.
When you do a shoutout for shoutout, you need to make sure that you are limiting the amount you post on your OnlyFans feed. If you have too many, people will not stay subscribed to you, why would they if all you are posting is links to other peoples content.
A good rule of thumb is for every shoutout you post, add at least 20 posts of your own content to keep your paying subscribers engaged.



Don't forget to post daily

You want to keep your subscribers engaged with your page, every time they log in, you want to show them something new and exciting. OK, it might be hard to post something every single day, but that’s where the scheduling option comes in handy. Once a week, you can spend an afternoon taking photos and recording videos, swap outfits, change locations (bedroom, bathroom, sofa, garden) and then schedule it to go out throughout the rest of the week. That way you will have content to keep your customers happy with a minimum of effort.



Don't ignore your subscribers

If you nurture your subscribers, they will not only stay subscribed forever but also tip you, buy custom content, pay for PPV messages and recommend you to others!
Take the time to message your subscribers, ask them what they want to see, ask them about themselves and build a rapport. Make them feel a connection to you and you will have them eating out of your hand. Just wait and see how many of them send you a special tip for your birthday or Christmas!



Don't ignore PPV Messages

Charging a monthly subscription is the standard way of earning money on OnlyFans, but you can make even more through Pay Per View (PPV) messages. These work great for both paid subscriptions as well as free pages. You can post a few teasers to your main feed and then add the best content as PPV posts or messages meaning you, Lots of content creators don’t take advantage of this brilliant tactic and miss out on countless sales!



Don't give up

Nothing worthwhile happens without effort, but lots of content creators assume that just posting a few photos on an OnlyFans page will earn them thousands a month and when it doesn’t, they give up. If you are one of the people who want the freedom and self-sufficiency that a successful fan page brings, but doesn’t want to put any real effort in, then adult work like this may not be for you.
Like any start-up business, the first weeks and months may not bring in the large profits you are hoping for, but after taking time to build your content library, get your link out there for people to check out and engage with your customers, you will find your earnings grow and grow.
By putting the effort in for a few months, you will have a sustainable business that will pay your bills for years to come! Don’t give up!

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